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Metrology Society of Australasia - AGM Announcement

Metrology Society of Australasia - AGM Announcement

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MSA Newsletter Special Edition


Annual General Meeting - Monday 13th November - 12noon Sydney / 2:00pm NZ Time

We invite members to join us on Monday 13th November for the 2023 AGM, being held virtually (zoom) at 2pm NZ time.  We will hear the Presidents and Treasurers reports for the year ended 30 June 2023 and hold the election of Executive Committee positions.  All are welcome to attend but only members can vote on motions pending decision.

If you cannot attend please offer your proxy vote by emailing  Please provide your name, contact details and your nominated proxy, or the President by default (if nominating another member as a proxy, please include them in CC to your email).

Below is the meeting link - if you prefer this as an invite please email to request the calendar invite.

Topic: MSA Annual General Meeting
Time: Nov 13, 2023 14:00 Auckland, Wellington

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 859 7739 7375
Passcode: 481440

One tap mobile - Find your local number:

A further email will be sent to you on Monday 6th November that will include the meeting agenda and relevant reports/documents.


NZ Emerging Metrologist Award

The NZ branch is calling for applications for the 2024 Emerging Metrologist award.  This is the biennial award recognizes young metrologists who are less than 5 years into their metrology career and already achieving success.

The presentation of this award will happen at the World Metrology Day celebration in May 2024. So if you have or know of a young metrologist doing great things in our industry (NZ) and think they would qualify, please get in touch with  


The Metrology Society of Australasia


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