The MSA is an association of professional metrologists including but not limited to; engineers, physicists, scientists, technicians and measurement experts throughout Australasia and further afield. Our members measure, evaluate, calibrate, maintain, educate, train, design, sell, invent and develop measurement technologies and research the ‘science and art’ of metrology. The Society hosts a biennial conference, and holds talks and social events to encourage the professional development of its members, and to promote the practice and interests of good measurement practice.
The Metrology Society of Australasia
Our Impact
The society supports its members through an internationally recognized conference every two years. We have active local groups that allow members to get together on a regular basis, to discuss current issues in metrology and to expose the members to new technologies and methodologies. The MSA emails out regular newsletters and is affiliated with relevant bodies both internationally and domestically. The society also represents the interests of its members in policy fora and actively promotes training of metrologists, including being a key developer of a graduate course in measurement science.
This diversity allows members to meet and interact with a wide range of people, including electrical metrologists working in the power industry, dimensional metrologists running large laboratories or just one person laboratories, research scientists of international standing, mechanical metrologists from the automotive industry, chemical metrologists working in the pharmaceutical industry, medical scientists, testing officers working in quality control laboratories and flow measurement experts from the petroleum industry.
Our Values
To promote the value of metrology within government, business and the general community.
To bring together people with a common interest or involvement in metrology.
To provide a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience.
To raise the professional status of metrologists and provide formal recognition for qualifications and expertise.
To engage in and promote the advancement of knowledge in metrology. Our most intensive way to achieve these aims is to hold a major conference biennially.
To unite a range of local committees bring members together at informal events on a regular basis.
Our Key Personnel
People from all fields of measurement in Australia, New Zealand and overseas have joined the MSA since its inception in 1993. Due to an active participation from New Zealand, in 2014, the society changed its name from the Metrology Society of Australia to the Metrology Society of Australasia. MSA members are drawn from a diverse range of backgrounds and expertise and work in organizations such as industrial calibration and testing laboratories, government national measurement institutes, and academia such as universities and colleges.
Tony Bergen
Vice President
Liam Shanahan
Saeedeh Saadati
Jason Dortmans
Operational Secretary
Cynthia Lendrum
Committee Members
- Paul McMullen
- Daryl Pettit
- Jane Warne
- Owen Brace
- Rai Pippia
- Winston Yan
- Khaled Chahine
- Annalyse Ryan
- Lenice Evergreen
- Anne Evans
- Lenice Evergreen
- Daryl Pettit
- Gavin Tasker
- Annalyse Ryan
- Brigitte Sargent
- Mike Tecofsky
- Kirsty Russell
- Jennie Dingley
- Edward Smulders
- Chris Milligan
- Cynthia Lendrum
Where Every Micron Matters
Join the MSA today for formal recognition, additional qualifications, career support, and a network of highly motivated and like-minded professionals.
Your Measurement Infrastructure
Accurate measurement underpins economic growth and confidence. There is an infrastructure of autonomous national and international organisations, all with specific and separate responsibilities, and all cooperating to ensure a coherent system of measurement exists. Globally recognised, this infrastructure supports technological advancement and maintains human safety in all areas of our lives. From the stewardship of the International System of Units (BIPM), the National Metrology Institutes, standards and conformance bodies, to the calibration laboratories, all form part of this very crucial measurement infrastructure.
In particular, we recognise the significant impact that Australasia’s key measurement infrastructure stakeholders have on metrology in the region and on the ongoing role of the MSA.