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The MSA Promotes Education

Globally metrologists are in short supply and are an aging workforce. The MSA like other metrology associations around the world are promoting measurement science as a career pathway – the planet needs more metrologists. 

Becoming a metrologist is a smart move and MSA is keen to educate, train, and develop measurement scientists in our region. To this end the MSA supports metrology education in several ways.

Measurement for young people

Our economies need more kids learning STEM subjects and the MSA loves seeing young people learn about measurement. The MSA and its members pair with organisations to help foster a love of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Read about some of the programmes our measurement community are involved with.

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metrology careers

Initiatives and Events

Metrology day events in New Zealand and Australia with guest speakers on emerging technologies and scientific advances. A great opportunity to meet fellow meteorologists in your country or state. Education events bring Metrology to the public, especially the school-aged who are to become the next generation of meteorologists.

metrology insights

Career in Metrology – Online Courses

For those who are starting out in a career in metrology or would like more knowledge, check out courses that the MSA have helped to create. 

These online Metrology micro credential courses are approved by the New Zealand Qualification Authority and are offered free to NZ based laboratory staff.

There are two options:

The Practical Metrology Programme – suits learners with less than 1 year of experience. Graduates earn the NZ diploma in Applied Science (level 5).

The Laboratory Technician Professional Programme with a Metrology endorsement is a course for students with more than 1 year of experience.  Graduates will earn the NZ Diploma in Applied Science (level 6).

Go to the Real World Education website for further information

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