Registrations open Monday 3rd March
As previously announced, in August this year we will hold our biennial conference Rapid-Tech MSA2025, in Sydney, Australia. This will be the place to be to connect with the metrology community, hear about the latest trends, meet experts from National Metrology Institutes and regulatory bodies, find your next instrument investment and enjoy the company of many likeminded professionals. Registration will be available from Monday 3rd March on the event page. Click below and bookmark this page.
We are grateful for the outstanding level of sponsor commitments. You can expect a fantastic expo from the experts on hand to discuss your next lab investment.
Rapid-Tech MSA2025 – Call for Papers
We need you to contribute to the technical programme. The organising committee are building a topical and future thinking programme of talks that will engage, inform and inspire you. We are extremely grateful to have locked in three prominent keynote speakers who will set the tone, but we want to hear from you. Go to the event page to find the abstract template download button.
World Metrology Day 2025 – Celebrating 150 years
On Tuesday 20 May we acknowledge World Metrology Day. This year marks 150 years since the first signing of the Metre Convention making this a very special celebration. MSA in partnership with the Measurement Standards Laboratory NZ are hosting two events in Wellington, NZ. Click the orange button below to read more about each event and to register.
Not in NZ, you can still celebrate by participating in the MSA T-Shirt competition (more info below), cater a morning tea for your staff, use your social media channels to acknowledge the occasion and the importance the International System of Units in your role or workplace. Click the image below to check out the official World Metrology day website.
T-Shirt COMPETITION! 150 Years of the SI
To acknowledge this significant event for Metrology, MSA are hosting a T-Shirt design competition. Submit your design idea in a .jpg file format for the front of the T-shirt by 31 March (click below). Consider how your design will appear on a T-Shirt that grabs attention but is not too detailed! The winner will be announced, the winning design will be printed and this limited edition will be available for sale from WMD to the conference in August. The winner gets a free T-Shirt.
Inviting applications for Metrologist awards
The MSA celebrates excellence in Metrology. After a number of years without a general award acknowledging a worthy member, we can now add the MSA Award alongside those already offered by the NZ Branch. You can click below to go to each page to learn more and in particular how to put forward a nomination. Nominations for the NZ Metrologist of the Year close on 31 March and for the MSA Metrologist Award close on 25th June. Why not nominate someone for both?
MSA’s New Look Website
Our new Website is live with a modern look and feel, easier navigation and new content. The site has functional membership management, subscription, community forums and events pages to enhance the MSA community experience. The new content provides information about metrology to a wider community as well as education opportunities, tools and resources for MSA members. The site also has a search feature so that users can find information of interest.
All members need to set a new password using the Lost Password feature in the Login Menu (see below). Members can then login using their new password (same username) and administer their user account and view member-only content such as participation in the community forums.

MSA Strategic Priorities 2025
The MSA is committed to deliver value to our members. We are in a period of resetting and the new website is a demonstration of how we can bring a more modern and accessible platform to work from. The MSA priorities for 2025 are:
Resources Library (continue to build)
Reach out to Industry manufacturers/3rd tier labs to increase membership
Get Professional Metrologist Programme up and running
MSA local events to create interest
Increase engagement to wider audiences
If you have suggestions or ways you would like to contribute, please contact