Test Methods

The MSA Pressure Test Methods have been developed and ratified by the Pressure Interest Group of the Metrology Society of Australasia.  They aim to provide a comprehensive method for laboratories performing calibration of various types of instruments.  They are available for download as below:

Pressure Test Method 1 (2008) for Calibration of Pressure Calibrators, Indicators and Transducers

Pressure Test Method 2 (2022) for Calibration of Mechanical Pressure Gauges   (recently updated, version 2.1)


Guidance on the use of Metrology Society of Australasia (MSA) Publications:
These test method give guidance on measurement practices in the specified fields of measurements. By applying the recommendations presented in these documents, laboratories can produce calibration results that can be recognized and accepted throughout Australasia. The approaches taken are not mandatory and are for the guidance of calibration laboratories. These documents have been produced as a means of promoting a consistent approach to good measurement practice leading to and supporting laboratory accreditation.
These guides may be used by third parties e.g. National Accreditation Bodies, peer reviewers witnesses to measurements etc., for reference only. Should any guide be adopted as part of a requirement (including a contract, regulation or similar) of any such party, this shall be for that application only and the MSA secretariat should be informed of any such adoption.
No representation is made nor warranty given that these documents or the information contained within will be suitable for any particular purpose. In no event shall the MSA, the authors or anyone else involved in the creation of the document be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of the use of the information contained herein. The parties using the guides shall indemnify MSA accordingly.
On request MSA may involve third parties in stakeholder consultations when a review of the test method is planned. If you are interested, please contact the MSA Secretariat (secretary@metrology.asn.au).